TPControl Application License for iPhone or iPod Touch
- Apple iPhones and iPod Touch with the TPControl application is available for download at the Apple Store
- Works with Apple iPhone, iPod Touch
- Features: Page flips, sounds, multitouch, keyboards, dynamic images, full feedback, multiple ports, native TP4, unitype fonts, font effects, opacity, multiple resolution support, and more
- Compatible with current and future AMX changes
-Chad R.
Having centralized control over the entire AV system installed in a building can have numerous benefits. However, if this control can be wielded using the presenter's mobile device, it adds a powerful new dimension to conference room meeting experiences.
To give presenters the ultimate control over AV devices using mobile devices, AMX presents the AMX TPControl Application License for iPhone or iPod Touch. This powerful software license allows users to install and use the TPControl App on their mobile device, i.e., an Apple iPhone or iPod Touch, and manage the controls of multiple AMX AV system devices straight from their phone.
The TPC-iTouch-Phone app connects the user's mobile device with the AMX NetLinx controller. This helps turn their mobile into a touch panel connected to the central processor tasked with processing commands and sending appropriate signals to all the devices connected to the AMX AV system. Thus, the user can control all the individual device operations using the mobile control panel. Users can control conference room AV equipment, like projectors or speakers, and even switch input to the display using their mobile device.
Other impressive features include options to control and terminate video calls, lighting, room blinds, and even HVAC systems through the AMX NetLinx controller. Using the key components of the TPControl, TPCloud, and TPTransfer, users can enhance their control and management experience during vital meetings.
The user interface can be custom-designed to meet the user's preferences. In the latest TPC-iTouch-Phone app version, users can also operate AV devices with features like VoiceControl and Push Messaging. This allows the user to choose the control hardware that suits their needs and applications the best and facilitates users to turn their mobile device into a fully functional AV control AMX touch panel.
This is a license only and will be emailed to you within 2 business days after placing order
- This is a license only and will be emailed to you within 2 business days after placing order